Entries by Fil-Battisti

Breast Cancer

Get Them Covered October marked Breast Cancer awareness month around the world. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in Australia, with 14,940 women predicted to be diagnosed with the disease in 2013, rising to 17,210 women in 2020. That’s an average of 330 women a week.     In the last […]

Estate Planning – Essential for everyone

  When you think of estate planning what comes to mind? For most of us, it immediately conjures up thoughts of death. Who wants to think about death when you have a whole life to live? Understandably, we often push estate planning to one side and focus on more pressing concerns such as looking after […]

Financial Planning is about much more than retirement

Many people may think financial planning is all about retirement. It’s not. Financial planning is about making the most of what you have – at every stage in life. Whether it’s investing, superannuation or minimising tax; whatever your stage in life, financial planning can make a difference.   If you are interested in investing, there […]

The Importance of Trauma Cover

Thanks to modern day treatments, cancer survival rates are on the rise. But can you afford to be treated?  Our new case study will help you understand the importance of trauma cover when facing serious illness.   One in two Australians will develop cancer before the age of 85 and one in five will die […]