Entries by Fil-Battisti

Understanding Geared Investments

What is gearing? Put simply, gearing is borrowing money to invest with the aim of magnifying, or ‘gearing’, returns. It is important to highlight that gearing investments magnifies losses, as well as gains. One of the most common forms of geared investments is a mortgage on an investment property. The same principle applies to gearing […]

Second Marriage?

What are the estate planning implications? Getting married, even if it’s for the second time, is a happy time but it does present some financial planning challenges.     Second marriages present some complex and contentious estate planning challenges. While many partners in a second marriage want ‘their’ estate to be passed on to their […]

Cover That’s Designed for Little & Big Kids

For parents, there’s no greater pleasure than watching your kids grow into healthy happy adults. Childhood is all about great experiences and big adventures. However, it’s not possible to prevent every childhood accident or serious disease. If, sadly, something were to happen to your children, how financially prepared would you be? It’s a conversation worth having. […]