Entries by Shellie Fisher

Raising resilient, passionate children

People often say that their biggest worry is what will happen to their children and their grand-children when they are gone. It is one thing to hand on a substantial estate – generally built through years of hard work, discipline and planning. It is another to be confident that our children and grand-children will themselves […]

Should I retire?

Mark and I have written about aspects of retirement on many occasions over the past three years. Mark describes retirement as ‘my time’. In a couple of weeks, I will be celebrating 50 years since I first started working. In case you were wondering, I started working when I was very, very young. When you […]

Affordable housing – Is super the answer?

In the 2017 Budget, the Government announced several measures designed to ease the pressure on spiralling housing prices, particularly in the East Coast capital cities of Melbourne, Sydney and to a lesser degree, Brisbane. I will provide an update on two of the key measures contained in the 2017 Budget. On 7 September, the Government […]

Why I use a financial planner

On 12 December 2017, I will have been working in the financial services sector for 50 years. With all that experience you would think I had all the answers and didn’t need to use a financial planner. Some years ago I bit the bullet and decided I needed a financial planner. I needed discipline. I […]

Age Pension – don’t set and forget!

Applying for an age pension is not an easy task. There is a comprehensive application form and depending on your circumstances, numerous documents that need to be photocopied and lodged as well. If an application is successful and the age pension is granted, many age pensioners never want to deal with Centrelink again. It is […]