Entries by Shellie Fisher

Age Pension Update – July 2019

On the 1st of July the age pension asset and income thresholds increased, in addition to the increase in these thresholds the levels at which the deeming rates of interest are applied also increased. Two weeks after this date the government announced that the deeming interest rates would be reduced. The lower rate dropping from 1.75% […]

What are the things retirees fear?

That question: ‘What do people approaching retirement, and those already retired, fear the most?’ The first thing that springs to mind is the fear of not having enough money, and perhaps the fear of the money ‘expiring’ before we expire. What about loss of relevance? We go from being a business owner, executive, professional, or a CEO one day, to a retiree the […]

Is Transition to Retirement Still Viable?

Superannuation law was amended in 2005 to allow people to access their super from preservation age, currently 55, but progressively increasing to 60, without having to retire. It became affectionately known as ‘transition to retirement’ but it actually has nothing to do with retiring. Once a person reaches their preservation age, they are able to […]